Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a partially double-stranded DNA virus with a complex life cycle. It primarily targets hepatocytes, where it undergoes replication, leading to viral persistence in the liver. The virus is equipped with unique features, such as reverse transcription and integration into the host genome, contributing to its ability to establish chronic infections. Antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis B aim to suppress viral replication, reduce liver inflammation, and prevent complications. Nucleoside/nucleotide analogs, such as entecavir and tenofovir, are commonly used to inhibit reverse transcription and viral DNA synthesis. These medications can effectively suppress viral replication but may require long-term administration. Interferon-based therapies, which modulate the immune response, are another option for treating chronic hepatitis B. Pegylated interferon-alpha is administered over a finite duration and may induce sustained virological response in some individuals, but it is associated with side effects. Despite advances in antiviral therapy, achieving a cure for chronic hepatitis B remains a challenge due to the persistence of covalently closed circular DNA in infected hepatocytes. Research into novel treatment modalities, including immune-based therapies and combination approaches, is ongoing to address this challenge and improve treatment outcomes. Understanding the molecular virology of HBV is essential for developing targeted therapies and refining treatment strategies. Additionally, ongoing research aims to elucidate the mechanisms of viral entry, replication, and immune evasion, contributing to the development of innovative antiviral agents and potential curative approaches for chronic hepatitis B.
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